Monday, September 04, 2006


Everyone's probably heard by now, but Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin was killed yesterday by a (usually docile) stingray while shooting a documentary.

When I had cable, his show was don't miss TV. Sure, he seemed to get too close too easily to really dangerous animals a lot of the time, but I loved his dorky and infinite sense of wonder and awe in the face of all those crocs, deadly snakes, and other creatures as only a former wanna-be zoologist, or maybe a child, could.

Proving that there's an obit ready to go for anyone who is anyone, the Beebs' Irwin obit is here, but doesn't mention how he died.

UPDATE: Here's a much better obit/tribute to the man, and it's from one of my least favorite news sources, The New York Times.


Anonymous said...

Polar bear post! Polar bear post!

kimberly kinchen said...

okay! okay!